Example of use cases
With the help of IDERI note, information, warnings or alarms can be created for a wide variety of situations. We are also constantly learning about new application scenarios from our customers.To give you some inspiration and a better idea of IDERI note, we would like to show you a few examples:
IT notifications
When systems in IT fail, this means that the IT department has to restore them as quickly as possible. For this, all affected employees should be informed proactively so that the IT department can fully focus on the solution:
- The IT department can inform about current maintenance work. As soon as the work is finished, the message can also be withdrawn.
- Third-party solutions can also send messages - for example, your monitoring system can inform a specific group of people about a low ink level.
Hospital notifications
If a major accident happens, it often means that the available doctors have to be on standby at the nearby hospital.
- You can also use IDERI note for exercises: the pop-up message as an alarm, the ticker as information about the exercise.
Hazard alerts
Nowadays, viruses in e-mails often pose dangers. Information about such events should be provided as soon as possible to prevent the spread of viruses.
- In the case of burglaries in the building, the faster the information is received, the higher the chances that worse can be prevented.
- Spam emails are also becoming more and more frequent – here, too, you can inform your colleagues with a simple IDERI note ticker.
Fire safety
A fire alarm should be rehearsed regularly. To inform all staff present about the alarm, you can use the IDERI note pop-up. In the IDERI note ticker you can give the all-clear, as this is only a drill.
- To ensure that everyone knows how to behave in an emergency, it makes sense for every employee to read and confirm fire safety and behavioural rules.

Disaster management
In the event of an emergency, you can inform all your employees within a few seconds, such as in this case about flooding.
- Proactive information enables you to take precautionary action in the event of severe weather warnings, for example.
- A fire alarm should also be practised regularly – send the appropriate messages with IDERI note.
Data protection
When it comes to data protection, it is often important that every employee countersigns certain documents. Instead of running after the signatures, you can also collect confirmations via an IDERI note message.
- To ensure that employees also remember the clean desk policy before closing time, you can run a reminder every day at 4pm, for example.

Internal or general notes
General notes, such as the repair of the underground garage door, only affect the staff members who are also present. So instead of sending an email to all employees, you can send an IDERI note message only to the employees who are present.
- Lift maintenance also only affects staff who are also in the building.

Working protection
Should your reception staff find themselves in a predicament, a shortcut key can be used to send a help message to colleagues in the next room.
- In the event of a gas leak, the building should be evacuated as quickly as possible. An IDERI note message can save a lot of time here.
- Staff should also be informed as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency such as an amok alert.
- IDERI note also allows you to obtain confirmations for documents.
Health news
Especially in times of the Corona virus, the fast transmission of information has an important role. Be it to inform about possible Corona cases in the company or to remind about hygiene measures:
- In addition, you can also refer to the list of current risk areas before holidays to show the most up-to-date status here for staff and holiday planning.

Announcements from the human resources
Especially to collect internal information, you can use IDERI note to send messages with links to the intranet. And if you wish, the click on “I have read” can be tracked so that you know exactly who has already signed up:
- IDERI note can also be used for regular motivation or staff retention campaigns. For example: Every morning when logging in the “saying of the day”.
- Do you have internal offers for your employees? You can send a reminder via IDERI note Ticker so that these do not get lost in the email inbox.
- IDERI note messages can also be helpful for onboarding purposes. Remind the new employee to fill in important documents.
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