For all software distributions

Software packaging made easy

For all software distributions

Erstellen Sie mit wenigen Klicks Pakete, egal welche Softwareverteilung Sie im Einsatz haben.

Overview of the software packaging concept

As part of software distribution and software packaging solutions are responsible for preparing and customizing the installation of software on multiple clients at the same time. In this process, a software package is composed of all parameters and files that are required for a professional installation on the end device.With an adequate software packaging solution such as IDERI pace, both completely new software and updates to existing software can be installed effectively, comprehensively and in a time-saving manner. This optimally counteracts typical problems in a company’s IT environment such as a lack of compatibility or a high level of manual effort.

By Admins - For Admins

With IDERI pace, you remain independent and can swap out your software distribution solution whenever you need to.

IDERI GmbH is a company specialized in first-class services and training in the field of software distribution and packaging. Our two founders have many years of experience in this field and have even contributed significantly to the development of the software distribution Ivanti DSM.

By working closely with our customers and other service providers, we realized that software distribution without a scripting language is a challenge. Therefore, since 2016, we have been working on a packaging solution for software distribution that does not use PowerShell as a packaging language, or uses it only. Our motto is “By admins for admins”.

Our goal is to provide our customers with high-quality services and support them in the best possible way for efficient software distribution. In doing so, we place great emphasis on quality, reliability and customer satisfaction.

We integrate with everything. We optimize them everything. We support everything.

The features

Find out which functions IDERI pace includes and get an insight into the user interface.

Dialogue-oriented work
User and machine part in one script
Detailed log files
Easy integration into any software distribution solution
Automatic uninstallation by running scripts backwards
Intelligent packaging
Drag and drop packaging
Automated processes
Package source management
Consistent work
Supports multiple scripting languages
Multi-language interface
Template support
MSI packaging and transform creation

Software packaging - the special relevance in small and large companies

In large companies in particular, software packaging benefits internal processes. Which type of software packaging is preferred in individual cases depends on the number of devices and the complexity of the packaging process.

For example, small companies often use “command line tools” or small PowerShell scripts to package software, which are linked to Active Directory.

In large companies, however, the IT department cannot avoid a holistic solution for software distribution. Here, it is important to rely on a solution that is as simple and easy to use as possible, such as IDERI pace, which minimizes the potential for errors posed by the packager.

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IDERI pace – Packaging made easy

With IDERI pace, you remain independent and can swap out your software distribution solution whenever you need to.

With many client management solutions, software packaging is not exactly the strong point. It is often cumbersome and you can only reach your goal in a roundabout way.

You can no longer call yourself a classic packager. One is rather pushed to become a Powershell expert as well as a scripting expert

IDERI pace integrates seamlessly into your existing environment and simplifies your software packaging!

  • Easy software packaging
  • Dialogue oriented work
  • Seamless integration into existing environment

What benefits do I get?

I'm an IT admin

Then your everyday life will change completely with IDERI pace!You no longer have to “program” your packages manually with PowerShell, VB scripts or anything else, but will do this in the future with just a few clicks! This not only saves time, but also saves your nerves.

  • Fast, dialog-oriented packaging
  • No programming know-how necessary
  • Automated integration processes
  • Easily readable and understandable log files
  • Advanced functions: Machine/User Separation, Repair, Reinstall,...

I'm an IT manager

You always have an overview of the projects with their costs and efforts. You make sure that your employees are satisfied with their work. IDERI pace will be able to help you exactly here. Because with this solution you relieve your specialists. Hereby you offer them the possibility to concentrate on the essentials.

  • Accelerate business and IT processes
  • Reduce the effort required for application deploymentUnification in packaging
  • One solution for everything: no more spending on multiple third-party solutions and creating workarounds
  • Strategic, platform-independent solution

Questions we often
get asked

Here you will find our answers

No: For each package, you can decide which “language” you want to script with: NetInstall-eScript or PowerShell.

IDERI pace is seamlessly integrated into a wide range of solutions and is therefore completely platform-independent. These can include solutions such as Microsoft SCCM/ECM, Microsoft Intune, Ivanti EPM, Aagon ACMP, Matrix 42 Empirum, Tanium Tanium, VMware Workspace One and many more.

  • IDERI pace:
    • The IDERI pacKaging center (pace) is our dialogue-oriented packaging interface for easy and fast packaging of software packages without much previous knowledge, similar to Ivanti DSM. The descriptive names of the commands help you always find the one you need. With drag & drop, scripts are easy to create.
  • IDERI installer:
    • The IDERI installer is the component that must be installed on client PCs and is responsible for executing and interpreting the IDERI pace scripts. In doing so, he also includes user parts in the respective scripts that must be executed for each user.

IDERI pace is suitable for administrators who work with a software distribution solution that has no scripting language or a complicated scripting language. These can be solutions such as Microsoft SCCM, Ivanti EPM, Matrix 42 Empirum and many more.

Most software distribution solutions on the market do not include packaging support. They can only do “something.” In the simplest case, this something is an MSI file. However, as soon as more extensive steps are required and you need cmd, vbs or, for example, ps1 scripts, you are left alone; the manufacturers do not provide any packaging support. A software distributor needs most of the working time for packaging. This is exactly where PackagingSuite comes in. It fills exactly this gap — regardless of which software distribution solution you use.

The PackagingSuite consists primarily of the following four modules:

  • PACE
  • Move
  • Installer
  • MATE

The PackagingCenter helps anyone who uses a software distribution solution without an integrated scripting language.

PACE has two main purposes.

The main focus is on packaging. This involves assisting the administrator with packaging, i.e. scripting routines that are later executed on the client and thus bring about the desired installation state on the device.

The second main focus is package management. This includes managing the storage structure, providing templates, automating steps that would otherwise be carried out manually to integrate a package into the respective software distribution environment.

For example, deploying a package to Intune requires just a single mouse click. The creation of the Intunewin file, the upload, and the recognition rule are all set completely automatically.

Using the installer enables the maximum range of functions. In addition to running the scripts, he takes care of logging, reboot controls, interaction with software distribution (e.g. the SCCM agent), control of user-specific installations/configurations, etc.

IDERI mate stands for MSI And Transform Editor.

Many manufacturers deliver their software using an MSI installation file. This always leads to the same installation result. If you need adjustments to the desired target state, you must create a so-called transform. This is exactly where IDERI mate helps you — as always, completely dialogue-controlled and intuitive.

IDERI move is a tool that helps you migrate from IVANTI DSM to any other platform, such as MS Intune, Matrix Empirum, VMware Workspace One, and more. Here, IDERI move enables existing DSM scripts to be executed in another software distribution solution. On the one hand, the whole process is carried out with almost no need for changes and, on the other hand, without loss of functionality.

Customers who migrate away from a DSM environment can use IDERI move to transfer their existing DSM packages into a new interface. This allows existing eScript packages to be migrated from an existing DSM environment to any new software distribution solution. On average, around 90% of the packages are reused directly in your new target system without changes.

The IDERI PackagingSuite is supported by all Windows operating systems starting with Windows 7.

It requires .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher, which is usually already provided by the operating system itself.

Of course, the duration of packaging depends on the size and complexity of the application being distributed.

All associated work steps, such as determining the storage location and creating the body directory structure, compressing the file set (Intune), defining the recognition rules — all of these steps are carried out completely automatically.

That means you really only have to worry about packaging, and a powerful dialog-oriented scripting language will help you even with this.

Someone who already has previous experience in IT administration should be able to use it within minutes.

If you have no previous experience in the IT sector, we will be happy to assist you with introduction/training — feel free to contact us.

The PackagingSuite provides a powerful range of functions. Practically everything you need for successful software distribution is already available. And should a function be required, ideally only one contact with our support team is necessary to discuss and initiate a possible implementation.

The PackagingCenter (pace) offers an easy-to-use interface. There is an associated dialog for each command in the scripting language. This means that you don't have to learn a complex language, but simply drag and drop desired functions from a selection of commands into the script to insert the required information into the dialog boxes.

All work steps beyond packaging, such as registering the package in software distribution (SCCM, Intune, etc.), are automated and are initiated and executed with a mouse click.

As a result, almost 100% of the other manual tasks are carried out automatically.

Yes, you can use PackagingSuite without a locally installed installer. However, the range of functions is reduced here.

In general, there are two sources of error, one is a manufacturer error and the other is an operating error, for example a packaging error. Regardless of the source of error, each module writes detailed log files and every work step is logged. This effectively helps you with any troubleshooting that may be necessary and thus enables better support from us as a manufacturer.

Yes, commands can be flagged in pace. With the two scripting languages Powershell and NetInstall, a user-machine part separation is possible.

Yes, most software distribution solutions on the market require two separate scripts.

Here, one installs an application on a computer and the second takes care of the configuration and user settings, which results in additional work as these two scripts have to be interdependent. That means double package creation, double allocation, double administration, double effort.

The PackagingSuite only requires one script, each command in this script can be flagged with a mouse click, and the flag of the command decides whether it should be executed once per PC or user.

We currently support the Ivanti DSM and Microsoft Powershell eScript.

If you are planning a migration and your scripting language is not listed, feel free to contact us for a joint appointment.

  • Dialog-based packaging
  • No script know-how required
  • Existing knowledge can be reused during DSM migration
  • As a result of the fact that we can integrate ourselves into any distribution solution, you can change your software distribution solution at any time. You don't have a “vendor lock-in”
  • Seamless integration possible, meaning you can get started at any time and you don't have to change what you already have

The answer depends on several factors and cannot be answered in general.
In order to give you a specific price, we need information, such as the number of clients, language, desired modules, etc.

Feel free to contact us and ask for a range on.

We have been working in the software distribution sector since 1996, during which time we have carried out many customer projects and got to know customers.
In all this time, we have listened to customer requests and tried to implement them in the best possible way. We are now taking exactly this approach when it comes to software development.

We welcome every incoming feature request. This ensures that we are always close to customer requirements.

We are planning two releases per year.
If there are any bugs, we will try to provide a fix within hours.

We know that our product runs on thousands of clients and therefore time is money.

Our software is designed so that it is possible to work both centrally via network sharing with colleagues and locally on your own computer.

No, no extra database is required.

Support requests are received via our ticket system and are usually processed directly within a few hours. Depending on how much it takes to solve the problem, you will also receive a suggested solution from us on the same day.

The special thing about pace is that anyone who sees a PACE script can say what it is doing after seconds. Even people who see a script for the first time.

Windows is very powerful and even on the surface simple things often have a lot of options and configurations in detail. The special thing about pace is the simplified view of a script. A command that should create a link on the desktop, for example, is called createLink. At first, I may still need information about what the link should be called and where it should be created.

For example, when you see a CreateLink Notepad DESKTOP, you can think without much thought that a link to the Notepad should be created here on the desktop. At first glance, this information is enough. I am only interested in detail which exe should be executed, which parameters, if any, should be passed, and how the working directory should be configured. All common scripting languages cannot hide this detailed information, because in the end, every parameter must be set or you must know what default values are. As pace has a simplified view in which only essential information is displayed. If you want to adjust something, simply double click on the corresponding command and a dialog opens. All options are clearly presented with edit fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc. You hardly ever have to type, 90% is controlled by the mouse. It couldn't be easier or more intuitive.

The PackagingSuite is available in German, English and French.

By the way, if another language is desired/required, it can be translated accordingly with the help of the customer. We only provide a file with the texts in German/English. If the file with the appropriate information is delivered to us in the desired/required language, we can add this.

Yes, a package can be installed or uninstalled directly from the Pace console. This means that, for testing purposes, an installation/uninstallation can be carried out immediately in fractions of a second with the push of a button. There is no need for lengthy importing, distributing, and waiting for the client to start.


Optimize software management after DSM migration with IDERI pace

Learn how IDERI pace optimizes software management after DSM migration in terms of security, control and efficiency.

Diverse potential: Moving from Ivanti DSM to VMware Workspace One

Get all the information you need about moving from Ivanti DSM to VMware Workspace One and the potential of this software migration.

Move from Ivanti DSM to VMware Workspace One

Get all the information you need about moving from Ivanti DSM to VMware Workspace One and the potential of this software migration.

Migration: Ivanti DSM to Microsoft SCCM

Find out why it makes sense to switch from Ivanti DSM to Microsoft SCCM and how the migration process should ideally proceed.

IT migration - the transition to powerful digital tools

Find out how you can quickly and securely migrate your IT systems to new environments with the help of IT migration.

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