With the new IDERI note version 3.4, there are a few new features — we would like to summarize the most important ones for you here.
Our latest release (IDERI note version 3.3) focused on the mobile component of IDERI note. With the latest release, we have once again focused on the components running on Windows and added some new functionalities here.
Addressing home workplaces
In times when ever larger parts of a workforce are working from home, it is not always useful to send IDERI note messages to home offices about events that are only relevant for local users in the company. On the other hand, addressing IDERI note messages specifically to users who work at a home office can also be a very interesting option. For this reason, with the help of two easy-to-understand and self-explanatory message options, users of home offices can be specifically addressed or specifically excluded from addressing.

Pause the screen saver when an IDERI note message is active
If you are using a screen saver, the IDERI note client can now pause an active screen saver when a new IDERI note message is displayed.
Administrative templates
The ADM files for the IDERI note client group policy templates have been replaced by ADMX files.
Ticker on primary monitor
The IDERI note ticker, like the IDERI note message window, can now be instructed to start initially on the primary monitor.
Automatically pause the ticker
If an IDERI note ticker is started on a desktop that is not the current input desktop, the ticker is now automatically paused.
Prevent the IDERI note message window from closing
The button to close the IDERI note message window can now be optionally deactivated so that users only have the option to confirm the message via the “Have I read” button.
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 are no longer supported
At least Windows® 8 is now required as the client operating system for IDERI note version 3.4 and at least Windows® Server 2012 as the server operating system.
As always, you can describe the complete overview of the new functionality and changes in detail read the manual.